
By Cairistiona1


"The first step in wisdom is to know the things themselves; this notion consists in having a true idea of the objects; objects are distinguished and known by classifying them methodically and giving them appropriate names. Therefore, classification and name-giving will be the foundation of our science."
Carolus Linnaeus, Systema Naturae (1735).

So, since he majority of the flowers of this plant seem to be a brilliant blue, what clever dicky named this one Anemone Blanca?


I decided that I need to take a new approach to blip, so I'm having a practice run this week. Instead of waiting to see what the day brings, I'm going to explore a theme / subject each week. Started out thinking it would be cool to try and get a photographic take on old botanical prints (hence Linnaeus).


1) Not possible to lay the plant flat and take a picture from above. You don't get the typical full on view of the flower that way and taking the image from an angle changes the perspective. Need to find a compromise.

2) Anemone's wilt rather quickly, so unless I can find a bigger supply I either need to work faster, (aka be more organized), or remember to keep them in water when I'm running around trying to find backgrounds, tripods etc. The latter was a waste of time in the end too because it wouldn't fit over the table.

3) Fringing in the colour version (hence you've got the mono) sort of fixed in PS but would rather prevent it happening in the first place. Need to look into that one.

Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow brings...

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