Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Naughty behaviour on the beach

This afternoon I went to the beach. Initially it was a bit boring because Ann hadn't brought my ball and none of my friends were there. I chased a few surfers into the sea and did a bit of swimming and wallowing in rock pools which was fun.

I was just wondering what to do next when I spotted a mummy and a little boy playing with a ball. And not just one ball - they had four. How good was that? First I stole the yellow ball and brought it straight to Ann so she could throw it for me - but she just gave it straight back to the mummy. Then I stole the green ball and ran down to the sea with it. I thought someone might play chase with me but they didn't so I gave it to the mummy so she could throw it for me. She put it in her pocket. Then I stole the blue ball. I ran straight to a lady who was sitting in a deckchair. Yes, sitting in a deckchair on a windy April day - must have been a holiday maker who was determined to go home and tell her neighbours that she'd spent a day sitting on the beach?? Mad woman! I dropped the ball at her feet and she threw it for me. I was just thinking what fun I was having when Ann came and took it off me. I knew the mummy and little boy also had a red ball but when I went to look for it I couldn't find it. I suspected it was in the mummy's pocket with the green ball, so I sat right in front of her and gave her my 'appealing' look.

Unfortunately for me that just gave Ann the chance to put me on my lead. She said I was a naughty girl, apologised to the mummy and the little boy and dragged me away.

PS - The mummy and little boy liked me. They thought I was really cute and said I wasn't naughty at all.

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