Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Eating In (sides)

Today I'd planned to blip the friendly women at the taco stand we frequent. We've taken to heading there most afternoons for cheap eats and free spanish lessons.
As we strolled up today though, we came across a totally different set of people working hard in the taco booth. We looked around, thinking perhaps we we'd taken a wrong turn, but all around us was business as usual.

And so instead I blipped the boy above, messing around with a cloth on the steps of his house.
I can't get enough of the brightly painted Mexican houses - they give a sometimes dilapidated neighbourhood a kind of happy, uplifting vibe. Throw in the wonderful music eminating from many of the windows and rooftops, plus the seemingly eternal sunshine, and you've got a very intersting place indeed.

It also turned out the taco stand's change of personnel cloud had a silver lining too. With the new cooks came a new taco filling - cows intenstines.
Now I find such things as repulsive as the next man, but pig and cow intestine is very popular in Korea - so Lucy couldn't believe her luck.

Later, just how much they love the stuff could be measured by Lucy's answer to my question 'why are we walking back to the hostel so fast?'

'I really love to eat intestines. Even though they give me diarrhea every time, I just can't stop eating them'

Food for thought.

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