Backwards With Time

By thebigpicture

Oh The Places You CAN go...

I received a letter from a friend today! The letter was super awesome to receive first off, and second off it made me really think about what I am doing. I am doing thing this thing where I try and live my life exactly the way I want to. I don't think it is to hard and I just think about things before I try them.

"Do I want to do this?"

Life is too short to miss out on awesome opportunities, and if it means I am going to be in debt to student loans forever, thats fine. At least I am living.

I was playing at the bouldering gym today and looked at the wall and really saw a metaphor in it, there are so many routes we can take, there are so many routes we don't have to take also. I just like to stick to the one that it leading me in the direction I want to go at the time. When I am sick of that route, all you do is hop off and start a new one...pretty simple...

Don't go hoping off when things get to hard, but once you are not
A) Challenged
B) Not having fun
Then it is time to stop, step back, and really look at what you are doing...

Go climb something today and ponder yourself...

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