
Early ride on Jack through the woods - lovely and peaceful in there - hardly anyone else about.

Lesson on Lime - progressed onto cantering and he is coming along brilliantly.

Mucking out.

Home - lunch - housework.

Back to yard to put Jack to bed.

Drop Peggy off with her Uncle A ands Auntie K and get the tour of A's new house.


Then off to Manchester to spend an evening with the Khan Colletives and Nick, Coral and Madeline for a bday celebration. Fab food and company. I had a bit too much to drink and fell asleep on the table, had a dream that Mr EG had been horrible to me and then took it out on him when he tried to get me to come to bed! Poor Mr EG!

Took this pic on the 'bouncy' journey there - Mr EG was driving. Beautiful skies tonight.

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