Mummy Al

By busymum

Hibernian FC vs Aberden

[b]Today Lewis and i went to watch the Hibs game (it's been a while!!!!)
Anyway, we had the best seats in the house and a perfect view as you can see. So after a few punch-ups on the pitch, many yellow cards and a disallowed goal for us we left happily exactly on the 90th minute to avoid the stampede. 2-1 to us and i was off to the bookies to collect my winnings......................... or so i thought, having missed injury time, we also missed a 3rd goal taking us to 3-1!!!! I got an earbashing from Lewis who of course wanted to stay till the whistle was blown and i also lost me bet!!!! ah well, good day out and a PERFECT score. C'mon the HIBEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]

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