Paul by myself


Is it a bird?

I had a few ideas rattling round in my head for today's blip.

My first thought was it's such a beautiful day I should venture out and find inspiration from the world outside the office. But that would have involved moving around and I was aching a bit after the gym yesterday so changed my mind.

Then I thought to use the thirty cans of Coca-Cola I have under my desk (thanks again to Vickie & Sandra for getting them from Costco last night) in some creative manner.

I tried spelling out 'drink me' on the floor with them, which looked okay but I just wasn't feeling it. Then I thought more about Coca-Cola and how although I know it's a big evil company (according to a brilliant book I read 'Belching Out The Devil' by Mark Thomas) I'm totally addicted to it. So I thought maybe I could spell out 'bad for me' or 'evil' with the cans.

Anyway I didn't do that.

Instead I found myself with only minutes left before the Champions League game kicks off still undecided. So I go back to the cans of pop idea and think to myself "what's the opposite of Coca-Cola?", and then it comes to me, it's Superman. The ultimate super hero, known to all as the enemy of all that's evil and unjust.

Although as far as I know though he's never done battle with a giant can of coke or soft drink vending machine or anything like that???

Up, up and away!

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