Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Happy Birthday Kristin!

Typical Tuesday today. Worked in Landon's class and thanked God again for Kindergarten teachers. It takes a special kind of person to be a kindergarten teacher. Then ran to the store, ran home and unloaded groceries and washed clothes for baseball tonight. I got a chance to bake cupcakes for Kristin's BD today. I attempted my friends recipe of chocolate cupcakes with PB cups in the middle and homemade peanut butter whipped cream frosting with Reeses Pieces on top. Yum! I was pleased with the results too.

Landon had a game tonight and it was very entertaining. He has a habit of breaking out in dance on the field and entertaining everyone. When he feels the groove, no matter where he's at, he just has to dance. :) Oh, and he played well too. Hit well and put on his Speedy Gonzales feet to reach the bases quickly. Loren and Liam happened to have practice tonight too....all at the same park, so that was a blessing.

I somehow managed to make it to Small Group on time with Kristin's BD dessert in hand. We are so grateful that she opens up her house to us each week to get away for a couple hours and spend time with friends. We had a nice time as usual, and enjoyed learning more of the book of Esther.

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