Cousin Time

I wrote a wonderful post yesterday on one of the photos in this collage of the two girl cousins trying to play together and it never appeared. Probably my mistake. It was a wonderful post. But it didn't show up and I decided it was probably because I left out the boy cousin. The two girls tried to play with the same toys and at times succeeded in spite of Mara's (the nearly 3 year old) interpretation of "my turn" as give it to me now and "share" being a more emphatic version of my turn. Katie is the nearly 1 year old twin, her brother is Alex. Alex was far more fascinated with grandmother's electronics - cell phone, camera, ipod than anything Mara could do or look at. He has an unerring antenna for electronics. So I made the collage of yesterday's photos.
I give thanks for grandchildren and their parents.

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