The Little Things.

By MeemsMay

Take a chance.

Life is all about taking chances isn't it?
From seeing if you can 'chance' time and catch that train or taking a chance of danger and crossing the road before the little green man says you can haha.

I love reading. It has been something I've always grown up with.
Where The Wild Things Are, is the book that inspired me to keep reading.
So as time has passed, I have started experimenting with what I read. I tried the old Pride and Prejudice malarkey but it didn't grab me.
Then I found it. A Clockwork Orange. (I have blipped about my love for it before)
It was my first proper taste of dark, frighteningly gripping literature and I wanted more -I watched the film over and over and I read up on the amazing 'Nadsat' slang that is used by Burgess in the novel.
I have also adopted a new fascination with Cormac McCarthy as his works are just outstanding. I love reading and I think a lot of people take it for granted but that is up to them. I can't force people into it, I can just try to coax haha :)

I think I'm going to take a chance and read forever.

Happy Thursdays x

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