Just looking..

By ccleeve

The window - a favourite of both cat and baby.

We made it back to Baku in the early hours of yesterday with our 7.5 week old son. He behaved like an angel in Heathrow and on the plane - seemed to be fascinated by the lights and the people, then fell asleep for a couple of hours of the 5 hour flight. Our first two days home have been quite tiring - he had just been getting into a routine in the UK and the four hour time difference seems to have thrown him (and us), also the husband has gone back to working in the office... I've been luckily to have him at home for so long. Introductions to the cats have gone smoothly. D is not much interested in them at the moment - he prefers human faces - and they seem to have accepted the strange new noisey creature into their household. Spike keeps a watch over him from a distance, investigating when he cries. Felix, no longer the baby of the house, is competing for attention, rolling over in front of me and trying to push his way onto my lap past baby.

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