alice's adventures

By aliceblips

Blondes in the wood

It was the last forest school today (for now) and, naturally, Orlando dressed up inappropriately outlandishly for the occasion. Beau and Orlando made the most beautiful birds nest/home in a tree together.

It was actually hot today and Orlando wore red wooly tights as a base layer, with a highly flammable spiderman outfit over the top. All topped off with a nylon balaclava and themed wellies.

He has had so many personas today i've totally lost track.

What I do remember, is that during tea time our area was circled by a police helicopter and Orlando thought they had come for him, on a recruitment mission.

He prepared himself to leave home, he packed his bags and he dressed up in police uniform:

Red tights
Oversized black wellies
Police tabard
High vis tabard
Belts and straps
Welding goggles
A first aid kit

He said that if they came for him he might never come back.

I wonder what division he would end up in?

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