Oslo is so chilled - in every sense of the word - that it is hard to imagine that it was occupied by the Nazis during World War II. I was born in New Zealand and grew up in Australia, so that particular conflict has always felt a million miles away - geographically as well as temporally. Stumbling across these cobblestones - literally - was a very sobering experience. We now live in a world in which the concept of being dragged out of your home and sent to a concentration camp to be executed seems unthinkable . . . but we must never forget that this happened. It must never be allowed to happen again.

The cobblestone is one of many outside an apartment building in Calmeyersgate, Oslo. It says: Here lived Henry Kalman Nachemsohn, born in the year 1916, deported 1942, Auschwitz, killed 1.12.1942.

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