My journey in Pictures

By Ella

6.35am ... Misty sunrise over Melbourne

this is the view from our study... we have converted one of the bedrooms. The view looks out towards East Midlands Airport and Donnington Park Racecourse.
It is so peaceful here compared to Kings Lynn and the sun seems to shine more.

It has been a while since i commented or uploaded images.. have tried to these last few days since life has become a little less hectic.
The degree work is almost complete for this semester, just one new assignment to begin.
The move has gone well... now i just need to sort out Kings Lynn for renting.
The Gallery is coming along and the meetings this week have gone well - the first workshop is in the planning stage so all i will need is people to subscribe to it..

Hopefully i will have time to catch up with everyone here.. you have been more than an inspiration and support to me over these last months.. thank you..

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