It's the Little Things.

By wayneleung

Curious Eyes

It was time for Kobe to take his worming tablet today. First time ever for me. First, I tried to just give it to him and i was hoping that being the curious little kitten that he is he would just eat it. But he didn't. So I tried to mix it up in his dried food bowl. But that didn't work either. He just picked that one tablet out and left it on the side of the bowl. Clever one he is. Then I tried to wrap it in bread, hoping that he would eat it. He didn't eat that either. Finally, I forced it into his mouth. But that unfortunately didn't work either because he just spat it out... After all of that the tablet had just become so powdery i had to throw it away and will have to order new ones on ebay.

If anyone has any tips on how to worm their cat/kittens they're welcome to leave a comment. Hell what am I saying? ANYONE is more than welcome to leave a comment :)

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