Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Wind beneath the wings?

Wind up the skirt perhaps?

I took my manual switch for a lovely walk! And came back with more images than I've been pleased with for such a long time.
I can't believe (and I know, I know I'm sounding evangelistic!) that I didn't get to grips with this sooner. (I have my lovely Daughter to thank!)

Having said that...! This shot was taken into the sun, because the robin was so cheeky and stayed put, and the puff of wind made it a bit 'different' from the others. More than one robin in the garden today, and they've all been so busy and caught loads of insects! (Dawn chorus was amazing this morning!)

I'm off to a concert tonight, so might not be able to catch up with comments until much later or tomorrow.

But a very Happy Friday to one and all!
I'm not giving a wine forecast. (This'll be owing to a glut of sticky toffee pudding yesterday. Cartmel. Two words: Yum and overindulgence).

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