m o s s t r o o p e r

By mosstrooper

The Grocery

What about this for a Technicolor display of healthiness. I've known about this shop for a while and always admired the way they lovingly display their produce. It just goes to show you what an independent retailer can achieve with the help of a little bit of design thought and flair, creating a frontage that celebrates the colour and appeal of the produce. My photo doesn't really do it justice but its 22c today so they had the awning out. It is suitable named 'The Grocery'.

I went to visit my Gran (Mary) in hospital this afternoon with my Dad. She's only just had a pacemaker removed and she's complaining about the hospital food already. It's incredible really when you think about it. Did I mention she was 95? I hope I'm as feisty as her at that age, that's if I'm lucky enough to live that long! I did contemplate taking a photo but I decided against it out of respect. I'll save that one for another time.

It's has been an absolutely gorgeous day, in fact dare I say it BBQ weather! Have a good weekend everyone :)

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