
I was going to wait and go to the harbour to see the boat but I've spent most of the day chopping down a tree, detwigging it, shredding the twigs and stacking the bigger bits of wood to chop up later for burning. I'm knackered now. I think I'll just slump on the sofa for a bit.

And then we need to pack for a wee trip to Dublin to see an old friend and spend some time in a wee hoose in Wicklow. If there's time and inclination I'll maybe pop along to the boat.

Still, don't think I'll top this today. Daft boy was pulling faces and rolling his eyes and sticking out his (freakishly long) tongue but in between indulging his nonsense I managed to catch a couple of nice photos of him.

Doubt I'll have much access to the Interweb so I'll see you lot when we get back.

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