
By airaMBick


Writing has always been one of my phobias, putting words down it is very hard for me.
I can have great ideas, but just to think about writing them down makes my brain freeze. I always had the idea that if I write something it might hurt or insult somebody and that scars me! Lately I been thinking about it and I have decided to give it a try. I have realized that it is a big chance that no one will read my journal, no body knows me and I am sure no body cares about what I think or how I feel, so here it goes!
My thee wedding bands.
I went to the auto-parts and the man standing beside me asked me, why are you wearing three wedding bands/rings like if one is not enough to let us know that you are married? I answered to the young man- each band/ring have a special meaning for me, but for other people they might means something else. He asked, what is the meaning for you? I answered, the gold one represents my husband, the thick silver one represent my oldest son and the smallest represents my youngest son. I told the young man that wearing the thee bands on my finger had kept me away form lots of trouble! If I have some kind of temptation I just look at my rings and ask my self if it is worth to mess with and how my family will feel if I go the other way. My bands keeps me focus in the purpose of my life. The young man then asked me, so what are the other meanings?
Ones a lady told me that wearing three bands/rings was a great idea, she said that I must be a very holly person! She told me that my bands represent the Father, the Son and the Holly Spirit. I told the lady that it was a great idea! I was thinking that in some way she was right because my husband is the father, my oldest son is the son and the youngest must be the holly spirit.
The third person said to me that wearing three wedding bands was not very smart, and I asked her why? she said that my bands/rings said that I am married by the law, by the church and the third is because I was stupid enough to believe in marriage. I am telling you whatever you think about my bands/rings is your decision I am going to continuing wearing my wedding bands either you like it of not! First because they keep me away form trouble, second because I like them and the third one is because they were hand made spatially for me!
Please forgive me if I misspell something or if my grammar is not good, my first language is not english!

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