Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Clive at the Muso's Club in Dunedin

Went out tonight to meet up with some folk from Dunedin for a meal at the Asian Restaurant in Moray Place and then on to the Dunedin Muso's Club to hear Bluestone play. They play blues/rock and put on an outstanding nights entertainment. Clive Copeman is not only a very talented muso but also an awesome photographer among his other talents and put on a great show that I cant recommend to much. If anyone is at a loose end any Friday in Dunedin a trip to the Musos Club in Manse Street is a must.

It got me thinking.....

Why is it that some people have telents in so many areas and others like myself struggle to show talent in any area at all? Does talent in one area lead to talent in many other areas?
Maybe there is hope for me yet.......

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