The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


The Queen's View - Perthshire

We spent most of Day Two of our hollerdays trying to avoid the big black rainclouds. We have a habit of booking holidays just as monsoon season is about to start and this holiday was proving to be no exception. We did just have one miserable day (Wednesday) and even that was pretty ok by Scottish standards.

The kids were really good on our day trip to the Queen's View and were very patient as we pootled around the place. We visited Aberfeldy and Pitlochry before stopping off at an outdoor activity centre for kids in Stanley. The waitress in the local hotel had warned us that the site was very exposed and windy - she wasn't kidding, we just about had to tie Callum to the swings...

Would highly recommend a visit to Perthshire - beautiful scenery and heaps to do. Sadly I didn't get to visit any of the craft shops that I had earmarked, but we did stop off at the Watermill in Aberfeldy which is an amazing bookstore with what appeared to be a very nice coffee shop attached. Next time, next time.

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