Gone Fishing

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day
Give a man a rod, he'll eat every day
Give a fisherman some trinkets, he'll scatter and leave his shit all over the riverbank.

Kirky Litterpick this morning. It starts at 10am but I had my own agenda today so went out much earlier for a little guerilla litterpicking over by the river. I'd done my bit before they'd even turned up. No, honest, I did. Just because no one saw me, doesn't mean I wasn't there, m'lud.

I was there, otherwise how could I have taken this eh? Also, how would I have discovered that the bus stop is a safe sex centre of excellence? How would I have found a pair of trolleys on the river bank - supermarket trolleys that is, not carelessly lowered undercrackers.

Shot off to Livvy for some varied 'chopin', hit the 'one price' shop, the 'nothing fits you in this shop' shop and finally the 'frillies' shop for some trolleys of my own.

Sun's shining, been for a walk with Alfredo, gardening ahead, maybe even a little glass of wine at sundown. The hat is well and truly on the side of my head!

Gone Fishing, Louis Armstrong, long long long time ago, can't be bothered to look, sorry.

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