Thorntons Digital

By thorntonsdigita

Mica Montage

This morning I had the first of 2 wedding meetings, even though the couple booked me a few weeks ago we weren't able to meet up till today. So today they got to know me a little before I do their pre-wedding shoot in June, they are a very laid back relaxed couple and I feel they will be a joy to work with, we had a little joke about 'Uncle Bob' at weddings and thankfully there will be no budding photographers trying to compete with me. I am pleased that they will want minimal group photos so time with them and candid shots will be the order of the day. I was so nervous this morning waiting to go and see them, but they were fine and they still want me and have paid their deposit. I am so excited because the reception is at Hemswell Court a premier Lincolnshire Wedding venue. Now the hard work begins the preparation for the pre-wedding shoot and the visiting of the various venues. The meeting was at the bride's mums so that assessment has been done, there is a fantastic summerhouse which will make for fantastic photos.

The rest of the day even though I 've been working preparing for tomorrows wedding meeting it's been a really chilled day.Tomorrows meeting will be a little less daunting as my best buddy is getting married so although we will be talking wedding photography we are going to be having a bbq at the same time.

I am having to pinch myself that all this is happening but it is, and I'm in demand and people want my services.

Despite the busyness today I caught Mica being a little poppet she let me shoot her to my hearts content so have cobbled together a montage cos I didnt know which one to choose.

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