Im bored!

Im Bored!

God if my kids said that to me I would threaten them with all sorts.

A beautiful day here and up early as everyone else seemed to be getting up early. #2 daughter going to work at 7.30 am, chubby hubby going to the Sneck at 7.30 am #1 son going back to Glasgow 8am so nothing for it but to get up. Took doggies a nice long walk then took a wee drive to Crinan (thats todays pic the Vic 32 puffer) at Crinan basin, I rather liked the reflections.
Thought I might read a book there but got bored (not good at reading outside as the sunlight on the page makes my eyes water)
Came back then thought some more about reading, I have a Johanne Harris book called Blue eyed boy or something like that but I am struggling with it. Then thought I might read the other book I have by Sebatian Faulks called A week in December but still havnt opened a page.
After that I decided to put some money on the loser of the Grand National, sure enough! I didnt even have it though #2 daughter had the winner. God was the bookie guy one crabbit rabbit! wont be gracing his shop again.

Took #2 daughter then to show her how to use the garage power wash on her car and was then showing her a road to take to get to a forest track to take the doggies out when this maniac in a big green Merc came hammering down the single track road spreading dust onto my daughters nice clean car. As she has only been driving for 10 months , this eejit made her almost ditch her car!! what a clod! If I see him again I ill be having a few words with him!

Do I attract these nutter drivers? I seem to have frequent run ins with them

Tonight is our camera club annual dinner in the hotel at the foot of the road so I dont have far to travel so will not need my motor so can have a glass or two of red. on a positive note, it was gloriously warm today so that at least was something

Actually as I look at this photo the Vic 32 is in the background, the boat reflecting is I think Dutch and is called the Duke of Normandy

Hope you have a good blip weekend all and dont get bored.

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