
By Chaos

Last Run

There's a little hill in south Anchorage where the kids ski.

It's late now, so not much skiing is going on. Besides, it's a school night.

Because it is still the gray time here in Alaska, i.e. no sun, I am back shooting in the dark. At least the lights provide a source for an image.

I have recently aquired a new D300 Nikon DSLR. I am having trouble getting the RAW images to display. It seems I need to upgrade my version of Aperture from v1.5.3 to 2.0 to get the new RAW translation software. Or I may need to upgrade to OSX 10.5.1, or both. It is a bit frustrating. I will have some back posting to do when I have the time and the software upgrades.

I am working with scintilla this week so I have to post today, regardless of the hurdles.

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