Country File

By marypot

Good morning Gracie!

Ten days of blipping and this is the first one to feature my daughter Grace, though it is not her first appearance on blipfoto, as hubby posted a lovely portrait of her last week here.

We're having some very disturbed nights at the moment as Grace is teething. Last night was possibly the worst night yet as she was very sick on top of the screams of pain. Between midnight and 2am we went through 4 sets of cot sheets/sleeping bags/outfits and I had to change a few times too! All this when hubby had to be up at 5.30am for work!

Grace got to sleep eventually however, and this morning when I went into the room to greet her I took the camera. I'm sure every parent here will agree that the first smile of the morning from your baby is such a special thing. Suddenly, all the shenanigans of the night before are forgotten.

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