Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

thieving little b*****d.............

so an early blip posting, well by my standards anyway. wanted to get it out of the way as i have stuff to do in the house and the daily job search.

so i looked out of the window this morning to see if there was any decent shot opportunites at the bird feeder. i had kind of mixed emotions about this one as even though it was a great photo op the little shit had nicked the feeding tube off the stand and had chewed through it so the peanuts could be easily reached. they really are clever little furballs. so got my shots in and filled up all the tubes (replaced the stolen one) and shall check throughout the day to see if anything else happens. may update this pic later if it does..........if not until tomorrow dear blippers, have fun and i hope your week passes quickly.

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