no title needed

By Sidhion

José the Mexican

We had a Murder Mystery Night at our Small Group meeting tonight and I must say that although I hate acting and pretending it was quite fun. A few people were a bit "extreme" in their acting out their role but it was an overall good evening. Though I wouldn't do one again. The theme of the evening was Western Style so all came dressed up as Cowboys and Indians (or Native Americans) and I took this picture of the guy who portrayed the Mexican in the game. Its probably going to be one of the very few pictures of people in this blog as i don't really like taking pictures of people (they tend to move and I get blurred images).

And by the way Fifi LaBelle if you want the photos that have you in them, which were taken with my camera send me an email and I must say that the surname did fit you although the character didn't really :P.

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