RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Rainbow Around the Sun

Atmospheric phenomena have always been interesting to me, but always a photographic challenge as well. I think I finally caught one that came out right and is definitely different.

While at the Mt. Madonna Earth Summit today (a celebration of everything green and conservation related - music, electric cars, whole earth displays), we looked up and saw this circular rainbow around the sun. I grabbed the camera and took a couple of quick snaps. So appropriate as this summit was like a mini Woodstock with lots of tie dye T-shirts.

It's hard to look through the viewfinder directly at the sun. In fact, I'm sure that it's not healthy. I read somewhere that it can damage the sensor on digital cameras as well. I remember in the film days that doing this could actually burn a hole in your film. I'm sure both can happen, but only after a long exposure. Why would you perform a long exposure on the sun?

Anyway, for your enjoyment and amazement. I'm sure it's been seen and captured before. Now, how do I get rid of these spots in front of my eyes...

Hope everyone is having a happy weekend.

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