What Eye Spy

By Snappybiatch

Free as the Wind...........


I'd like to be the wind I think
No need to eat or sleep or drink
Through many lands I'd soar and sweep
Mountain high and valley deep

Catch the birds and lift them high
Kiss the earth and touch the sky
Dry washings dancing on the line
Whirl kites in colours bright and fine

Airy fingers tease your hair
Pluck autumn leaves to strip trees bare
Toss seas of corn in golden waves
Swirl clouds across the Moons bright face

Drive rain in sheets that sting your skin
Whistle through keyholes of houses you're in
Chase crisp brown leaves when winter chills
Skim yellow heads of daffodils

Fan glowing coals to crackling flame
Spin the weathercock on his vane
Carry heady scent of summer blooms
Through open windows in your rooms

Whip sparkling seas to white horse crests
I'll spring from north, south, east or west
Sometimes light as a sweet caress
Or angry like a dark god's breath

So many things to do and see
I'd never tire - always be free
I'd like to be the wind I'm sure
Forever roving wild and pure

Carole Bone
or maybe have one of these....... ;-P

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