
By Appreciation

Baby's Home

Here she is in all her resplendent glory. My camera that is, not Scarlet Haberdashery! Although I did feel I should curtsey and scrap my knuckles to our newly crowned BOTW owner. Disappointed she wasn't wearing her crown.
The Exchange has come to an end. Scarlet has choosen a new camera and gained some valuable information as a result. She will be buying her new DSLR quite soon, how very exciting.

As for me, I learnt quite a bit too. I found out that I did have more knowledge of cameras, and what I wanted them to do, than I thought. I learnt that, that knowledge was transferrable even to the little babies. I found out that for me the weight and feel of the camera is very important. I was in constant fear of dropping the Coolpix and had the wrist strap as tight as it could be. Most importantly we both discovered that a viewfinder is absolutely vital. On weekends like this, when the sun bleaches out the LCD screen, without a viewfinder you have no idea what you are shooting. I also had to think harder about how to achieve the shot I wanted with the Coolpix too.

I think I would recommend it, and may even buy a 2nd hand one, but a later model with a viewfinder. I was impressed by the quality of shot it took and the freedom it offered. I will now have to get used to lugging around my camera again.

I would also suggest that if you need a challenge, or feel you are in a rut, or indeed want to upgrade - find someone to swap with, it's a good exercise. Maybe give me a few weeks with my baby before you ask though eh?

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