Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Nice big log....

Went for a lovely dog walk this morning,before it got too warm for Pepe who needs to go to the groomers and get trimmed back.... makes him sound like an unruly bush... waiitaminutee. He IS an unruly bush in the form of a pooch.
Took Eve and Lucy and Eves best mate Flora and her dog Marley,who has been blipped by me as we dog walk him on school days (Floras mum is a TA at our school) ....found some hateful little gits had set fire to some of the woodland and spoilt it for others...we all tutted and looked furious.Lucy fell off the giant log and cut her leg... she is ok though as we gave her chocolate buttons....
Back home Lucy and Mr W made perfume from a kit and it was surprisingly decent !!!

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