Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

Gee, I wrote an essay - a boring essay - feel free to give this a miss - I'll never know - or will I? No.
I am a robot I am a robot I am a robot I am a robot I am a robot I am a robot

We live in a small flat - I am sorry if anyone took note of my prior mention of mansions, I am prone to exaggeration. It is a lovely flat and I am very happy here but we have outgrown it and consequently we are always struggling to find space for 'things'. Part of the reason that we have so many 'things' is that we have two children and with two children comes a load of stuff. The stuff breaks down into roughly two categories: clothes and entertainment. The entertainment can then be broken down into a number of subcategories, but for the sake of this I shall settle for two: books and toys. Toys.

But, I cannot entirely blame the children, even though in their short amount of time of getting stuff they have amassed enough stuff to keep most people in stuff for a long time. No, I am not going to hold them entirely responsible (or at all, as, you may have already noticed, I am their mother and some might say responsible for them and therefore responsible for their stuff etc etc)

Ok, this is becoming a really long winded and roundabout way for me to admit to myself that I need to get better at getting rid of stuff. I have cupboards full of stuff that I might need. Might is most definitely the operative word here. One of the downsides of being an artist is that I have for as long as I can remember held on to things that I may one day need (research things/materials/objects etc) I have a cupboard full of the best exhibition in the world just waiting to be brought into being...

Now, to today: I have decided - I use the word 'decide' loosely here - some sick impulse in me will not let me have my holiday until I have sorted the house out in its entirety - yes, I have decided to have a 'clear out'. The clear out has predominantly consisted of me moving things around and above is one of Rudy's shirts, which has been moved from a bag to a box. The rest of the box is filled with clothes that no longer fit him and have not fitted him for some time. But, I cannot get rid of them, yet. I have not kept all his clothes, just a selection from since he was born. And now I am doing the same with Alice's clothes....

And, we are definitely not having any more children

Now, I have bored myself with writing about 'stuff' and I shall never use the word 'stuff' again (apart from in a second) and maybe I have self-hypnotised and tomorrow I shall wake up in a minimalist dream with no stuff weighing me down.

yeah, right...

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