A mini Pansy??

*edit* I've just remembered these are called violas I think??

Sorry anoher flower............. I wsa gonna post a pic of D up a tree but in teh end I liked this little cutie. Another nameless plant which found its way into my garden a seed dropped by a bird or brought by the wind as I haev never bought these and now they are thrving alongide other plants in several pots.

Phew a busy day did 2 weeks worth or ironing while watching the F1 then spent the rest of the day fiilling 10 bags of garden rubbish whioch dad will take to the dump later in the week. Even made a start of pruning the fig tree or rather D did but he wasn't keen as he said why should we be bothering the tree as it's a living thing and hasn't done anyone any harm - eeks its me who is the veggie not him, he loves meat!!

Apache got into and lost a stand off / fight with a much smaller cat from across the road which ended with me going to rescue him as he was shaking and scared but he did manage to be brave and hiss / growl when I arrived - now know for sure I'm losing the kitty bulge battle as he weighed a ton when I picked him up!!

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