
By lifeandstuff


What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner. ~Colette

Fantastic day. Spent the day in my Mum's garden, watching the kids going round on bikes, scooters, and generally getting up to fun stuff. The wee one fell off the bike, and bashed her wee face off a wall, which was traumatic, but when I asked her what I could do to make it better she said "give me another shot of the bike." She makes me proud that kid.

I came home to a visit to my brother in law, a unique character, whos company I really enjoy, as he is hilarious.. and the wee one adores him, so we enjoyed watching them for a while.

I was disappointed tonight, as I nipped to the shops, and heard the words "oh my God... that is MINTED" from behind me. a girl of about 10 had exlaimed it.. as i looked at what she was looking at, I saw the sun. Huge, and red, absolutely STUNNING, with two wee black clouds over it. I didn't have my camera. I kind of smiled, as her wee friends said "what? aye, what its the sun, so what?" She reminded me a lot of me. She looked disappointed in their lack of enthusiasm.

But my photo today is the castle. beautiful as ever, and more so today in the glorious sunshine. and the vennel. One of my favourite views of the castle we are so lucky to have. I love the city.

hope you had a wonderful day. :-)

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