By the river

What a lovely sunny weekend. Our wedding guests were slow to get up - we were ready with enough for 11 breakfasts and smoked salmon specials at 9.10 two of them appeared...and that was it! They were all great fun though, they'd had such a good time at the wedding and appreciated the stack of bacon and sausage sarnies on the way out the door. I keep getting oddly attached to our guests and feel a bit sad when they go!

After cleaning all the rooms we managed to all escape for an hour or so for a family walk down to the river. We ate flapjack and cookies and two sneaky beers, then found a safe place for the kids to throw some stones into the river...they LOVE this so much.

I'll spare you of the detail of various meltdowns and rages on the way home and over dinner by two tired's much nicer to look at the picture and just remember the fun bits!

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