Ramp of the Moment...
This is my favourite ramp at the skatepark just now. There's nothing terribly remarkable about it other than it's size. It's size is pushing me just now and is putting me just at the top edge of my comfort zone into a wee slice of skating that is quite alien to me.
The particular slice is a sort of trust in trajectory. I've very recently learned frontside 5-0s (Going up the ramp and grinding on the back axle). on this which on smaller ramps, I find quite easy and predictable. I can lock them into the grind and quite easily control my direction and speed.
The same trick on this ramp requires a bit more speed to hit the top properly and as such feels rather floaty and slightly less controlled. It's either something I have to get used to or I'll get better at and more controlled with time. Either way it's that progression part of skateboarding that keeps me coming back.
This however is Ruari, one of the Saughton locals throwing down one of these frontside airs that he had completely locked down.
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