Planko's Pics

By planko

Polytunnel 1

No blipping today, just working in the garden getting the holes dug for the base poles of the polytunnel.

This is the section of the garden which it will be located in. 20 foot x 10 foot. Greenhouse has been dismantled, donated and relocated (and put back together again) at the oldies, plus a large strip of grass has been removed, all the bark chip that made up the previous paths, not to mention lots of weeding done.

Mrs P has been a real star this week whilst off work. At least 20 trips to the council tip so far!

The old veg plot box will be dismantled once the frame is up and two beds either side of a slab path will be made.

Then 3 tons of stones, plus edging will create a new path down the side to the kids trampoline. All within the next 2 weeks!

'Course we were kidding ourselves that it would all get done yesterday and today. Only 2 crucial parts missing out of 13 packages/boxes, which means Mrs P will be making an urgent phone call to the company tomorrow to get shipped up ASAP. Argh.

Oh, and I had some urgent work to do for tomorrow morning which meant no beer or BBQ today. Glad in a way, as it was a scorcher today and so I managed to juggle doing the garden and 8 hours of work etc and avoid the hottest part of the day.


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