Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Palmtrees on the roof

Arrived in Manila after a 15h flight (with no sleep), and it was incredibly busy, warm and humid. Very exciting! Had a good few laughs and nervous eeek-moments in the taxi from the airport (a guy on a bike going the wrong direction in a roundabout, people creating four lanes out of two just because their car fit between the two in front, and so on!). Was pleasantly surprised to find that there really wasn't any aggression in their way of driving though, and so felt rather safe after a few initial moments of fear :)

Spent some hours sleeping at the hotel before it was time to meet up with Patrick, our friend who's working in Manila for a year and was the reason for our trip (aside from the scuba diving :)). Had a nice dinner with him, and then went back to the hotel to try for a few hours of sleep before a trek to Mt Pinatubo, where the group was supposed to meet at 3 am.

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