Each day a gift.

By Margiesy

Well, today for my 100th blip I wanted to produce a special nature shot. But time just got away, as it is does, and I headed out to do a few things. When I got home, there was Greg, quite excited over his adventures whilst I'd been away. He had uncovered a 3ft long tiger snake under some plastic that was covering a pile of black wood. Obviously a deliciously warm place for a snake to snooze over the coming winter. Greg devised a contraption to catch the snake that involved a long pole and a rope (I should mention that no snake was harmed during this procedure) and when I got home it was safely captured, in the back of the 4WD, ready to be relocated deep in the bush. So, maybe my blip should be a snake shot! To cut to the chase, the snake was a bit peeved at being cooped in a sack for a while and I was too scared to get close enough for a good shot.
Here is a self portrait for today, taken just before the sun went down. Maybe I'll do another self portrait for my 200th blip with my hair returned all lush and long, or lush and short!
So here it is, my 100th blip, the nature of me!

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