
I have Oscar withdrawl. I tried to print out some pictures of him but something went wrong and they are tiny and really bad quality and I just wanted a picture of him to put above my desk for motivation!
Stats lecture this morning which I, and I think half the class were unable to follow. I think our first two years of stats here were not really up to scratch and now because we don't really know all the basics and jargon we have no idea with the more complicated stuff. Our lecturer is frustrated by it (he has recently taken over from our previous lecturer) and is doing his best to help us. That all said I got full marks in one of the SPSS problem sets I handed in a while back and I never get full marks!
Oh - the robot was a mechano gift my parents got TSP for his last birthday but he only just found the time to build him. He is now sat on top of the tv :)

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