accidental awesome

By alexamato

Edinburgh's petty thieves have no limits. This must be NSA's chair-stealing chapter. Shame on them.

Another decent day off today. Errands, gym, chilling, photos, more chilling. Nothing too exciting.

I did get quite a few quality shots while walking around. Made it a bit of a touch choice as to which to blip.

I liked this one of Calton Hill, with Waverley Station in the foreground and North Bridge in between. I got that one shortly after a seagull almost shat (shitted? no, shat) on me. Still got hit by shrapnel though.

I thought the framing of this one was pretty good, but I didn't feel I should blip it. Because maybe the dude's got wifi and is on blipfoto right now.

Anchor Close looked cool, but I felt as though the photo lacked any effort. Maybe because it did.

Lastly, this shot of the sign at Bristo Square was more for me. If/when I ever move from here, I like having shots like this to remind me of places that have meant a lot.

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