just allan

By allan

After Five

Duncan, Katie and Gordon at Belhaven Beach looking to the Isle of May, East Lothian. "When are we going for a walk Dad?" "After 5 Katie, Daddy's working." "Is it time yet?"

Malcolm went off to Reece's house this afternoon to get more sunburnt, whilst the rest of them waited for me to finish my work at home day. Bang on five my laptop froze and I made no attempt to fix it. Out!

It started wet this morning and Katie and Gordon treated us to a slightly chaotic volcano disaster movie acted out with puppets they made. By lunch it had turned into one of those great drying days - blowy and sunny. I did get a washing dried and when we got to the beach the sand was flowing across the beach, turning the lower shore white.

I got some decent shots of the swans and oyster catchers at the beach too, as well as some more nice ones of the children. I hummed and hawed for ages over which to choose, and despite really expecting to choose a swan shot this one is too nice a memory to pass over. There'll be swans another day.

And anyway they're all on Flickr.

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