must try harder

By halfcj

Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Went into Teddington with my three boys. Joe is 18 tomorrow (and will doubtless be blipped senseless) but Tom is working for the next 6 days and wanted to share a quick pint or five to celebrate. Frustrating for Joe as he has another day left, but he kept Gus company on the fizzies!

I had a quick pint but had to get to do....but the boys were full of the joys and wanted to get down by the river in the sun, and grab some lunch. I didn't have that energy and whilst the mind was willing, my weary body led me off to the bus stop.

As I sat waiting for the bus reminiscing of days, not so long ago it feels, where I would have had a similar gusto to extend the afternoon drinking and go off in search of adventure (and more drink!) even perhaps to discover pastures new, I noticed an old lady shuffling along the road. Each step was very slow and deliberate with never a gap appearing between each, whilst her eyes never left the ground. I wondered how she could see where she was going and if I managed to live long enough, how long it would be before I too would shuffle inches at a time.

I felt sorry for her.

I bet she too had gusto in what was doubtless a full life that sadly and probably had only a small percentage of it left to live. It made me think that if she were my grandma, I'd want to be there helping her along the road, if for no other reason than to chat and keep her company.

This, combined with the fact that it was such a sunny warm day and there she was in her coat and scarf, I just had to take a photo of her and knew that I would wish I could tell an interesting and inspiring story about this amazing woman who still, at the age of 90+ would walk down to the shops ever day for her lunch. No meals on wheels for her!

So, from across the road, I waited for a gap in the traffic, and 'click'. As soon as I brought the camera down from my eye. she stopped in her tracks. Looked up and right and caught me in her gaze. First, she gave me a look that can only be described as a "caught you!" kind of look, then she started to smile and then incredibly, she winked at me! As abruptly as she had stopped, she turned back to her task and continued shuffling down the road, just as my bus was arriving.

I boarded and took up my seat, and as the bus pulled away, I found myself looking back at her....maybe just in case she too looked around, but I think probably because I was already sure she would be my blip, and that by then, I really wanted to tell her that by tonight, she would be a 'star' on the internet. A shining one.

I no longer felt sorry for her.

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