My Montreal

By snaity

Sweeties, sweeties everywhere and not a bite to ea

I am stuck at home today waiting for a parcel and I am unwell with a cold. This is a bad combination. I want sweeties. Many, many sweeties. I want to fill the bath with jelly beans and swim, I want to put my head in a chocolate fountain and drink, I want to grab the liquorice allsorts and throw them in my mouth growling at anyone who dares to take them in a feral manner. I WANT SWEETS!!!
However having just gotten back from a short break where we ate nothing but sweets and takeaway I feel perhaps the fact my stomach hurts and despite constant brushing my teeth still feel like they are coated in sugar I should probably give them a miss. So to fill the time I have put up a couple of backblips
Leap of faith
Oh man, what did we do last night?

If you will excuse me I am going to tidy my house, idle hands make for easy access to the sweetie cupboard.

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