Joe's Blips

By joesblips

12th April 1961

I was just past my 12th birthday and a whole new world seemed to be dawning. On this day 50 years ago, Yuri Gagarin flew in his Vostok1 and thus became the first human to orbit the Earth. Everything seemed to be possible now. Young people began to see a future. Money began to circulate. Popular music was changing forever and youth began to voice their opinions, refusing any more to be shackled into silence by the establishment. Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and the Beatles were soon to hit the scene. The dawn of a golden era!

Then it all seems to have gone wrong. Along came famines in Africa and war in Vietnam and the illusions were shattered. But on this day 50 years ago, at least for 108 minutes the aspirations of humankind soared toward the stars and as a youngster, along with millions of other youngsters, I was inspired and uplifted.

No, I wasn't there at the launch but to celebrate an historic day and as a tribute to a brave man I have constructed this image. Here's to you Starman Yuri, one of the great pioneers of human history and an unassuming gentleman. You were used and possibly abused but you remained true to yourself until that fateful day when your Mig came down in the forest.

Ps. If you think you may have seen this "rocket" before, you would be correct. You have!

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