michigan man

By outdoorguy

Gertrude, the Goose

There is a local brouhaha concerning the geese. A local township board, at the request of a local lake association, voted 5-2 to search for and destroy any new nests and new eggs.
I'm in the city and not in the township, but I'm not sure how I feel about the decision.
On the one hand, if I lived on the lake and continually had poop in my yard, and the diseases that come along with said poop, maybe I would have voted yes, too.
On the other hand, (I'm glad we only have two hands), what a lovely bird. The contrast between the black and white and gray is breath-taking. I love to watch them when their babies hatch, and how protective the parents are of them. It's a little twisted, but I even like it when they lower that head, give you a big hiss, and give 2-3 steps in your direction for being too close. Great fun !!!
When it comes right down to it, I guess it bothers me to destroy one of God's creatures. That being said.... BRING ON THE MOSQUITO TRUCKS !!! Nothing says Spring like the drone of the truck coming by late at night with their spray.
Hopefully tomorrow.....baby goats.

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