Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The New Collars.

It's been a very relaxing and sociable day today.

As Claire was at an activities club meeting from mid-morning until mid-afternoon, we spent the morning dog walking then visiting a friend's Mum who lives in Broughty Ferry. It was good to see her again and lovely to sit in her sun room chatting over coffee.

We stayed longer than we intended, (coffee was good and so was the company) so it was lunchtime when we got back to Carnoustie.

Armed with filled rolls from the Granary and a box of strawberry tarts from JM bakery, we visited Mr G's folks for lunch.

We had a nice daunder along the beach front afterwards with the dogs to try and walk off the strawberry tarts.

Once we had picked Claire up, Claire and I decided to get Rocket and Radar new collars. We spent ages deliberating over them, thinking about which one would suit which dog. We even resorted to bringing the dogs into the shop to try out different designs. Eventually we made our decision and settled for a pink one for Radar and purple one for Rocket.

As it was such a lovely evening, we headed up to Crombie Park for a walk. It turns out that Radar is a bit of a twig and pine needle magnet as her coat is really fluffy.

We had to stop every 5 minutes to de-twig her as she was beginning to resemble a bush.

The sunset over the reservoir was beautiful and we saw quite a few Mallard ducks, Coots and a Swan nesting on the far side of the water.

However the 'birders' fancied their chances with two Mallard ducks and headed out into the water.

They seemed to be oblivious to us shouting for them, until they were quite far out. It seemed to suddenly dawn on them that they were well out of their depth, so they began to furiously paddle back towards us.

I must admit I did think that it was going to end badly as their only experiences have been the beach and water's edge at Loch Leven.

I think they did get a fright, but just to make the point about how annoyed we were with them, we put them back on their leads until we got back to the car park.

There was a skirmish in the back of the car on the way home. I wonder if they had fallen out about who's fault it was they ended up back on their leads in disgrace.

The new collars are now very soggy and drying out on the radiator.

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