a town called E.

By Eej


In the interest of full disclosure and all fabulousness aside and whatnot: not all the hair in yesterdays photo has actually sprouted from my head. Just thought I'd put that out there.

Work was a whole bucket of suck, but I managed/organised and because of that tomorrow will be better and easier. Hurray!

Some of the daffodils are coming out, slowly. Our baby trees have new leaves in a most delicious green, and there are soooooo many birds hanging out everywhere it's crazy. I saw the killdeer again; one of them was in our frontyard when I came home.

And the Squire came to see me. I hadn't seen him since friday (he must have another girl somewhere), so I was quite happy. In fact, I was so happy when I saw him I dragged a very unhappy cat back inside because I didn't want her to scare him off! Sorry, Rec!

Mr. Squirrel decided after a few peanuts that a little nap in the sunshine would do him good. Can't say I blame him :)


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