Return to the North

By Viking


What a fab fab day. Kids were heading on a 190+km round trip from Karamea today so that they could play on full courts for basketball and volleyball (oh and a heated indoor pool for the swimming champs.) THis is in my book true dedication. We had already done 200km trip to Karamea (over a blooming horrible vomit inducing hill) And then we traipse back to Westport for more sports and THEN back to karamea for bed (all we're fit for) and sport all day here tomorrow :-) The kids were great. I love 'em all.
I took the car 1) so I don't have to sit on a bus with screamign teenagers
2) So I can stop and blip when I like
3) Today at least - so I could take a bus vomiter :-) Now this is HUGE for me .... I do NOT do vomit so I was being VERY brave taking her. She was great no buckets needed just one stop for fresh air - phew!!
And as a really nice surprise TeeJay brought other studetns from school down for the day to cheer us on.
Our kids Rock!
Driving home well and truly buggered this was the vista. Along from Granity on the west coast, before the dreaded hill. Just had to stop and take a zillion sunset shots.

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